Having HVAC maintenance done when there’s seemingly nothing wrong with your AC can seem like a waste of money. Many homeowners consider yearly AC tune-ups to be more of a bonus than a necessary service, but regular maintenance really is necessary. Here are a few benefits of AC tune-ups to show just how important it is to have your system serviced regularly.
Improve Efficiency
Air conditioner tune-ups are meant to ensure that every part of your AC system is working at peak efficiency as the strain of summer approaches. That’s why tune-ups should be scheduled in the spring before the weather gets too hot. When your AC is as efficient as it can be, it saves you money by using less energy to meet your cooling needs. A comprehensive tune-up should include a variety of inspections and tests, from cleaning the coils to calibrating the thermostat, that aim to make your AC as efficient as possible.
Catch Repairs Early
The nature of the tune-up process means that a professional HVAC technician will be reviewing your entire AC system in detail. This allows the technician to spot problems with the system long before you would have noticed a change in its performance. Spotting small, easily fixed issues early on keeps them from causing major problems later, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars in repairs. If your tune-up catches a problem that would have caused bigger issues if left unchecked, the maintenance visit has already paid for itself.
Prevent System Breakdowns
If you’ve ever experienced a broken down AC in the heat of summer, you know it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable. You can significantly reduce the chance that your AC will break down this summer by preparing it for the added strain by getting a tune-up. With a clean, efficient system that doesn’t have any hidden problems, you can head into summer confident that your AC can take the heat.
Extend the Life of Your AC
While it may seem like a stretch, having regular maintenance done on your air conditioner throughout its life can actually make it last years longer than predicted. Keeping your AC working efficiently, making repairs before problems compound and reducing the number of breakdowns the system has over time all contribute a great deal to its overall health and performance. If you want an air conditioner that runs better for longer, AC tune-ups are a must.
Barker’s Heating & Cooling offers the AC service College Station residents trust to maintain their air conditioners. Contact us today for more information or to schedule your yearly AC tune-up.